A gentler approach to spring cleaning

When we talk about “spring cleaning”, we’re often referring to the physical act: packing away our winter jumpers, dusting every surface and throwing open windows to let in air and light.

Indeed, this time of year often sees us Marie Kondo-ing our items and surroundings, with a heavy emphasis on the external - what do we want to keep hold of, and what do we want to throw away?

But it is just as important to apply this to approach to the internal, and to take time to think about what to carry with us mentally into the next season - and what we should leave behind.

This year, we’re advocating for a gentler approach to spring cleaning: one that leaves us refreshed, rejuvenated and like the best versions of ourselves - not in terms of our appearance, but how we feel inside.

Read on for inspiration for how you might do just that.

Ask what’s working for you - and what isn’t?

Spring is synonymous with rebirth and renewal, often bringing with it a sense of optimism and anticipation. That’s why it’s the perfect time to reflect on how our lives are looking now compared to what we visualised for ourselves at the start of the year.

Journaling can be a great way to figure this out. We’ve come up with 10 simple journal prompts designed to help you think about your current situation and guide you through whatever the coming months have in store.

Write a letter to your future self

Writing a letter (or email) to your future self can be a wonderful way to declutter your mind, in true spring-cleaning style. By using platforms such as Future Me, you can write yourself an email - containing anything from Q2 goals to memories from the past couple of months - and set it to arrive in your inbox on a chosen date long into the future.

If you time your email so it arrives during winter, it can be a wonderful way to remind yourself of what you’ve achieved throughout the year - and inject some of that sunny spring optimism back into your life.

Fire up your social battery

Heading into spring often feels like coming out of hibernation, as we swap cosy blankets and evenings in for afternoon picnics and nights out with friends. For many of us, the winter months are often less sociable, and this can begin to take its toll. With the days getting longer and brighter, now is the perfect time to strengthen your connections with those around you.

So dust off your calendar and start making plans - whether that’s a trip away or a coffee with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Spending time with others can be deeply restorative and rewarding - particularly if you surround yourself with people with whom you can be your authentic self.

Get outside

We’ve touched on it before, but it bears repeating: one of the best ways to spark joy is to get outside. The longer, warmer days are the perfect excuse to spend time away from your screen, whether that’s by strolling around your neighbourhood or sitting on a bench and reading a good book.

Feeling the ground beneath your feet, with the sun on your head and the scent of blossoms in the air, is one of life’s greatest (and cheapest!) pleasures.

We’re so happy that spring is finally here - and we hope this piece has sparked some joy for you, too.


How to find your flow


Journal prompts to spark reflection